Field Journal 6

Ryan Martin
Norwell Massachusetts
Temperate forest, fileds, residential areas
55 degrees and sunny
12:00 - 1:30

I saw around 20ish robins, 15ish starlings, 10ish black capped chickadees, 10ish tufted titmouse, 15ish house finches,4 song sparrows, and a tree swallow. The tree swallow was on top of a nesting box, nothing was built in there yet. It was cool to see sonthing diffrent.
I saw a lot of robins as always. Male robins can be seen puffing out their chest and singing melodious songs to attract females. Females may choose mates based on the quality of their song and their ability to provide food. Robins typically choose nesting sites in trees, often favoring dense foliage for protection from predators. They might also nest in shrubs or even on building ledges. They seem less picky compared to some birds for where they nest, which may explain why most of the nests I would find growing up would be robins with those blue eggs. I saw some robins singing loudly and staying in brush filled areas, potentially guardian territory. It might have been a poor territory as it was more open and not as high as some may be defending.
A robin defending a territory with abundant food and shelter sources and suitable nesting sites would likely have a prime territory, indicating its fitness and ability to secure resources for itself and potential mates. I saw a lot of starlings too. They seem to reside in more urban areas. I didn't see anyone building nests but it seems they prefer more urban areas as most birds were peched on buildings. Im assuming some of these ledges were territory.

Posted on April 23, 2024 02:06 AM by rmarti20 rmarti20


Photos / Sounds


Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor)




April 21, 2024 10:00 AM EDT


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