Journal archives for March 2024

March 8, 2024

Field Journal: Redstone Campus

Date: March 8, 2024
Start Time: 3:26pm
End Time: 4:30pm
Location: Blundell House and Redstone Pines, Burlington, Vermont
Weather: Partly cloudy, 44℉, 7mph wind heading SE
Habitat: Urban with old coniferous canopy trees and some suburban landscaping trees

Linked Observations:
American Crow- 1 Observation Site
1) I spotted one American Crow at this point and simultaneously heard it cawing from a tree across the road.
Black-capped Chickadee- 1 Observation Site
1) I heard a lot of cheeping and twittering going back and forth, which I identified as a Black-capped chickadee based on the tone and some of the longer songs.
American Robin- 1 Observation Site
1) I heard one American Robin which I identified from a far away chirp that had the same tone.

For this field journal, I want to focus on one site on the Redstone campus I sat at for a long time near Blundell House. This area was at the intersection of the old pines with tall canopies, the road which breaks out into a grassy area, and the back of a suburb which has a fair amount of landscaped trees. At this site, the first sound that caught my attention was constant twittering which I couldn't identify at first. What allowed me to initially come up with an identification was a two-toned shrill chirp which sounded identical to the dee-dee-dee of the Black-capped Chickadee. However, this twittering was not characteristic of their usual songs that I know.
I'm not sure how many chickadees were involved in this communication, but given it was late afternoon, I didn't expect them to be very active. However, this twittering could be a sign that they aren't active in mating or other rituals where they would usually use their distinct song. Instead, they may have been twittering back and forth just to communicate their presence as communication is very important for birds to understand if large predators are in their midst. Generally, I would say this chirping sounds like the human version of chatting- it's simply normal communication between birds to interact and let each other know they are present. The American Crow that was cawing was likely doing something similar but its call is a little louder and uniform across the board. These generic sounds that both bird species were making are likely bird's way of keeping in contact throughout the day without communicating something extremely specific.
In this same area, I pursued the mini-activity, and it seemed the birds quieted for a second and then the Black-capped Chickadees responded with more intense twittering. I would guess they might respond to this pshhhh sound because it mimics that of wind rustling vegetation or insects calling. These sounds might be enticing to birds because they are a sign of a food resource potentially being present.
At a different site on the Redstone campus, I spotted an American Robin, which I could only vaguely hear earlier. This Robin had a darker grey head and tail with a medium grey back and burnt orange underside. This robin was perched toward the top of a tree and soon flew to perch on a nearby residential building. It was potentially looking for food at the time although I can't quite be sure because it was only perching for short amounts of time and then moving to a new location. The plumage of this robin is likely useful for it to blend into forested and urban environments with its slate colored back, while I would assume the orange chest is used to attract mates as it's a flashy color that doesn't camouflage.
Comparatively, I also saw a Black-capped Chickadee flying to one of the large coniferous tree trucks, where it quickly perched and then flitted to another tree trunk. This bird had its distinctive black cap, brownish-grey wings, a whitish-brown breast, and triangles of white around the black on its face. These plumage colors are much harder to see against the backdrop of trees than that of the robin, which is likely a survival skill given the small size of the chickadee and its frequent settlement around wooded areas. Furthermore, the fast fluttering movement of the chickadee may allow its colors to blend together into an even earthier tone that allows it to better blend into the backdrop. Given the Black-capped Chickadee's small size and neutral colors, it seems camouflage is a major priority in survival skills for this bird, which would make sense given how active they are during the day. The American Robin on the other hadn't is larger and flashier meaning they may value mating rituals more greatly than hiding from other species as a survival skill.
When I saw each of these birds, they were moving from place to place, which indicates to me they were maybe ramping up for dusk when activity picks up. They may have also been finding more inconspicuous spots to sit before this time of high activity. Furthermore, they may have been trying to avoid the human activity going on in the area. Therefore, I would say each bird was in a transition period between high activity functions such as intense foraging, and was therefore moving to improve survival. The constant perching for each was likely a way of reducing energy usage in order to preserve it for peak activity periods. On the flip side the constant movement from perch to perch may have been a means of warming up and increasing metabolism in preparation for high activity, but this seems less likely.

Posted on March 8, 2024 09:20 PM by nlhardy nlhardy | 3 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

March 26, 2024

Field Journal 4

Date: March 25, 2024
Start Time: 7:00pm
End Time: 8:00pm
Location: Converse Ct, Burlington VT
Weather: Clear skies, 38℉, 3mph wind heading SE
Habitat: Urban with occasional old growth trees that were mostly not coniferous. There were also shrubs and dead grassy plants in gardens.

House Sparrow
I saw three house sparrows eating berries in a bush as I walked down the sidewalk and I heard one calling in its chirpy high and low fashion.

European Starling
I heard an unknown number of European Starlings chattering in a tree.

American Robin
I saw three American Robins flying overhead and then heard one chirping again similar to the house sparrow but a little more song-like.

American Crow
I saw a murder of American Crows flying over head of an unknown number and they were all calling in unison.

Cooper’s Hawk
I saw one Cooper’s Hawk perched on a tree as I was walking. I distinguished this hawk based on its tail pattern and shape.

Black-capped Chickadee
I heard a Black-capped Chickadee doing its chickadee-a-dee-dee-dee alarm call from a nearby bush.

One of the most common year-round residents I've observed is the Black-capped Chickadee. This bird remains in Vermont as a result of its adaptations to cold weather which allow it to remain in a hypothermic state during the night as temperatures drop. Given this adaptation and their ability to scavenge insect eggs and berries in the winter, the energetic cost of migrating would be very large compared to the pay off of more resource availability. Another species that remains in Vermont during the winter is the House Sparrow, which utilizes berries to survive and maintains its body temperature by squeezing into tight spaces within man-made structures and tree hollows. If Black-capped Chickadees and House Sparrows were going to migrate they would be facultative migrants asa result of resource needs, but they would never be obligate migrants given that obligate migrants are essentially hardwired to migrate at the same time and place every year.
A facultative migrant that I have still seen this winter is the Cooper's Hawk. These hawks can migrate farther south in search of more abundant resources, but given the warm winter, it's likely these hawks chose not to travel south as their prey may have been in abundant levels still during the season. If the Cooper's Hawk were to migrate, it would go south to the central or southern U.S. where the climate remains warm and ground prey stays at a steady population. If there were more snow this winter so that ground prey was not as viable then the Cooper's Hawk might be more likely to go south. I didn't come across any obligate migrants, but if one of these migrants were to arrive in early April, it could be beneficial with the number of buds coming out on the trees and insects hatching. However, given the current snowfall on the ground, the weather could be a negative factor for these species as they may not have cold adaptations like the Black-capped Chickadee does so that they can survive cold nights.

Given that this week I chose to do observations around my house in order to look at the birds that’s are present in a more urban setting, it makes sense that I saw more common resident birds as they are likely adapted to a broad range of environments. Of all the birds I saw, only the Cooper’s Hawk was out if its general winter residence. However, Massachusetts had winter habitat and I calculated that Boston is about 226 miles from here where there would be winter habitat for them. The Cooper’s Hawk I saw was likely present because of the uncharacteristically warm climate that we’ve experienced this winter.

Posted on March 26, 2024 03:29 AM by nlhardy nlhardy | 5 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment
