Recently, an uncommon visitor to Hong Kong has been showing up on our shores! 最近香港海岸出現了罕見的品種!

Physalia physalis is also commonly called the Portuguese Man O’War because its sail-like float resembles a type of Portuguese sailing warship. Previously thought to be two different species in different areas of the world, it has been synonymized into a single species in the genus Physalia. It is not a “true” jellyfish, because it is a colonial hydrozoan called a siphonophore.
僧帽水母(Physalia physalis)因為在海中漂浮的移動方法與一種葡萄牙航海戰艦相似,又被俗稱為「葡萄牙戰艦」。僧帽水母從前被認為是在兩個不同地域出現的品種,現在作為單一品種被歸在僧帽水母屬下。牠並非「真正」的水母,其實是屬於水螅綱的一種管水母。

In Chinese medicine, Physalia physalis can be used for dealing with liver problems, high blood pressure, fevers and cramps. It is believed to have the effect of internal heat and relieving convulsions.

This fascinating creature is not frequently seen in Hong Kong, so if you see one, please let the Hong Kong Jellyfish Project know!


Posted on May 31, 2023 05:35 PM by johnt77 johnt77


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