Cod Parasites

It's amazing how some animals can be a whole habitat in which many other species can live.
I've especially observed this in pacific cod. These fish can be host to many different parasites.
On just one average cod I've seen fish lice, many gut worms, and parasitic flatworms. I've also seen large sea going leeches on these fish.
For the parasites, it's probably like staying in a moving hotel with free meals.

Posted on June 19, 2024 06:34 PM by isopodguy isopodguy


That's cool. I'd never really thought about it that way. Most animals we don't get close enough to notice, but I suppose with fish it could be easier to see as they're not buried under fur or feathers.

I suppose humans are probably the same, though much less obviously, but we don't really like to think about that!

Posted by clightowler 3 months ago

Yes, humans can have many parasites as well but we often keep our bodies cleaner than animals and we have ways of dealing with unwanted creatures on our skin or bodies.

Posted by isopodguy 3 months ago

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